Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dougherty School System

Are you satisfied with Dougherty School System?

When you read or hear things about the local school system, or what the school board is doing, do you really understand what is happening? Things like why members of the board would consider paying more on a contract award just because a bidder graduated from a local high school. Or, perhaps why the board would rehire employees recommended for termination for poor performance. And why an investigation is being made into possible cheating on mandated tests. Well, you heard something about these issues. But what has happened that you are not aware of?

If you have children in public schools, are you pleased with the education they are getting? If your children are in private schools, is the money you are paying in school taxes to support the children of others being well spent—or is it excessive? And if you are retired and living on reduced income, does what you see coming from the school system justify what you still pay for public education—one half of your property tax bill while in some counties seniors pay nothing? And is the general perception of the educational system by outsiders hindering growth and development?

Likely, most of us in Dougherty have concerns with what we feel is being accomplished by the local school system and what public education is costing the taxpayers. But, have you ever been to a meeting of the Dougherty County School Board? Well, this is where policies and decisions are made which affect both children—and your pocketbook. For years, we simply have not gotten involved in what goes on in the schools. Hence, our lack of involvement and oversight has certainly not provided a reason for those managing the system to do better.

So what can we do? Well, for starters, how about attending school board meetings? More involvement by the public, who vote and fund the system, lets the school board know that we are interested and expect more care in conducting of public business. While it would be difficult to attend all meetings, we can all share in the effort by attending as many meetings as reasonably possible.

The Taxpayers Association is proposing to form a committee entitled “Alliance for Better Education,” an organized and serious group of citizens willing to make a difference. We plan to attend the first meeting and listen initially. Later on we can present our issues to the Board and request specific answers.

This is the upcoming schedule:

Board Meeting

August 24, 2011

Lunch/Briefing – 11:30 p.m./Meeting- 12.30 p.m.

Administration Building

Dougherty County School Board - 2011 Meeting Schedule

Regular Monthly Meetings
School Administration Building
200 Pine Avenue
Briefing: 6:00 p.m.
Meeting: 7:00 p.m.

September 12
October 10
November 7
December 12
For your information a few years ago Representatives of the Dougherty County Taxpayers Association attended a Board meeting and among other requests, requested an audit of the school finances at the Association’s expense, which was declined. It is common knowledge that the Board spends our money wastefully.

Please reply via email and let us know if you are interested in learning how the School System spends our taxpayer’s dollars.



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